Wednesday, February 9, 2011

here i am.

Some of you may know that I spent a week giving up two of my biggest vices/time wasters—tv shows/movies and online games.  It’s amazing how much time it gave back to me—almost too much time.  So i had a lot of opportunity to think, read, be with friends, relax, go to bed early, and just be in the moment.

One of the things I decided to do was to blog, so here i am.  this post isn’t going to be anything earth shattering, just letting anyone who cares know why i’m here.  i don’t know what i’ll end up posting or sharing, but hopefully it will be a journey of me opening my mind back up in a way that i haven’t in a while, that i haven’t since everything began to get so bogged down in life.
we’ll see what this turns into.

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