Wednesday, December 19, 2012

So it goes.

"So it goes."  This is a quote from Kurt Vonnegut Jr. in his book, Slaughterhouse Five.  And isn't that life sometimes?  Great, exciting, heartwarming things happen.  So it goes.  Awful, gut-wrenching, evil things happen.  So it goes.

I've always been one to try to find the good through the bad.  When I look back on experiences in my life that were a mixture of the two, I see more of the brightness.  Easier said than done, sometimes.  There's been one experience in my life I have yet to allow into my heart what the good for it could have been.  I'm sure if we've lived long enough (and obviously it doesn't take long, seeing that I'm only 23) all of us do. 

Through it all, the one thing I remember, and the one thing that I take solace in, is that I have hope.  I have the reassurance that one day there will only be good.  And while I am here, I treasure in my heart those good moments that I've had. 

To me, that's Christmas.